Ayer fui a darme una vuelta por las librerias de Charing Cross a cumplir unos encargos, asi que saliendo del seminario de Imperial (y de la ida al Pub que le sucede) tomé el metro y llegué a Leicester Square. A quien creen que me encontré en las escaleras del metro? (pausa dramática y redoble de tambores). Ni más ni menos que al famosísimo Alfredito Hubard (en sus palabras: si, el del Lema) que esta haciendo una estancia en University College London, como ven? Pura gente famosa en las calles de Londres.
Rebe ha estado poniendo resultados de tests que ha tomado en internet en su blog, asi que al encontrarme el siguiente test decidí que tenía que compartirlo con mis amigos matemáticos, aqui esta mi resultado, y al final hay un link a la página del test:
![]() | If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be Kenneth Ireland and Michael Rosen's A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory. Bridging the gap between elementary number theory and the systematic study of advanced topics, I am a well-developed and accessible text that requires only a familiarity with basic abstract algebra. Historical developement is stressed throughout, along with wide-ranging coverage of significant results with comparitively elementary proofs, some of them new. An extensive bibliography and many challenging exercises are also included. I have been corrected and contain two new chapters which provide a complete proof of the Mordel-Weil theorem for elliptic curves over the rational numbers, and an overview of recent progress on the arithmetic of elliptic curves. Which Springer GTM would you be? |
Y ustedes que GMT serían?
5 comentarios:
No lo puedo creer!
If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be Frank Warner's Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups.
I give a clear, detailed, and careful development of the basic facts on manifold theory and Lie Groups. I include differentiable manifolds, tensors and differentiable forms. Lie groups and homogenous spaces, integration on manifolds, and in addition provide a proof of the de Rham theorem via sheaf cohomology theory, and develop the local theory of elliptic operators culminating in a proof of the Hodge theorem. Those interested in any of the diverse areas of mathematics requiring the notion of a differentiable manifold will find me extremely useful.
Atte. El charo
¿Por qué el Charo no lo puede creer? Yo le podría haber dicho que él sería el Warner... :)
A mi me salió:
If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be Bela Bollobas's Modern Graph Theory.
I am an in-depth account of graph theory, written with the student in mind; I reflect the current state of the subject and emphasize connections with other branches of pure mathematics. Recognizing that graph theory is one of several courses competing for the attention of a student, I contain extensive descriptive passages designed to convey the flavor of the subject and to arouse interest.
Ahora que lo pienso, también podría haber adivinado que libro sería yo sin tomar el test... :)
Pero si lo piensas es en verdad extraño, porque dudo que David Savitt (el cuate que hizo el test) haya hecho estudios psicologicos sobre la personalidad de los matematicos que se dedican a distintas areas, y que basado en estos resultados, haya generado 5 sencillas preguntas que le permitirian decir que el charo seria un libro de geometria diferencial, tu uno de teoria de graficas y yo uno de teoria de numeros (hubiera preferido el Silverman, pero ni modo).
Dada la increible precision de sus resultados, mas bien me pregunto como interpretar que el test le dijo a Rebe que seria un libro de Teoria de Nudos...
¿Alguien me puede explicar que sucedió?
If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be Joe Harris's Algebraic Geometry: A First Course.
I am intended to introduce students to algebraic geometry; to give them a sense of the basic objects considered, the questions asked about them, and the sort of answers one can expect to obtain. I thus emphasize the classical roots of the subject. For readers interested in simply seeing what the subject is about, I avoid the more technical details better treated with the most recent methods. For readers interested in pursuing the subject further, I will provide a basis for understanding the developments of the last half century, which have put the subject on a radically new footing. Based on lectures given at Brown and Harvard Universities, I retain the informal style of the lectures and stresses examples throughout; the theory is developed as needed.
PD.- Tengo miedo de que Omar pueda y lo haga...
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